Ray's Best Ever Rock Playlist !!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Cappuccino Art

Went to Bliss Cafe yesterday @ Hunter Valley, Garden for a cup of Cappuccino. This is highly recommended. The Coffee beans are roasted fresh everyday. Didn't actually expect an art coming out of my cup of coffee. Well I can say its pretty nice ! Nice jazz music. I always thinks that a cafe like tt should play old school jazz music. It matches that relax mood and the cup of coffee u hold on to.

Dunno if u guys see this before. Instead of the baristas calling out for ur orders, they use a paging system like this. What it does is it vibrates when ur order is up. All u need to do is just bring this pager back to the counter and have ur cup of coffee. Saves a lot of shouting and names calling huh? It makes the cafe experience a better one.

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