Ray's Best Ever Rock Playlist !!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Bills bills and more loans!!

Had been having sleepless night (just tonight)! Thinking why we are so tight up here in Singapore! Its all a part of the Government's plan to help Singaporean remain in a rat race. Well, we have an absolute awesome Government that plans and direct Singapore to what it is today. However, in such a fast pace economy, you find that everything else goes up i.e. food, petrol, GST except your salary! Its like today they announce fares up by 1cent and tml it happens. But when it comes to your salary, you will have the NWC national wage council meet here meet there.. talk and endless talk and yet no significant increase in your salary across the board! Y? I think our Union SAcks! Try what we do in Australia, the Unions make sure ur roof is off ur hourse the next day!

Well , You can't really get yourself off this hood call Loans! Let say for an average sporean like me! the moment you leave sec sch... you entered into adulthood! Bank loans for your polytechnic course or degree course?? sounds familar? then comes marriage? Home loans, Renovation loans would plague you dry dry!! As if thats not enough... come to your mid thirties.. you decided you want a MBA.... Woooo Education loans! And couple with that... you have to pay ur monthly hand phone bills, your petrol, car insurance, health insurance, road tax, ur mum's allowance, buy your kid's milk powder, Diapers, your kids education, kids allowance, kid's insurance, utility bills, PUB bills, property tax and income tax u pay every year, internet bills and occasional (what I call) "Carpet bombing season" your monthly dose of invitations to wedding, baby showers occasionally.... Think about it my friend! Can anyone survive with 3000 a mth??

OKay you may say who ask you to get married? who ask you to buy a car? who ask you to study so much? ...... My qns is can u afford not to do all this? If you work in the God forsaken place in the east and u stay in the west, can you stand a 4 hour ride to and flo ?ANd If you don't study, Can you keep up with a high chance of employability for today's Economy? Its a matter of CAN U AFFORD NOT TO! Not the other way round!

SO what's enough? There is no absolute! But I think for a family of 4, you need a household income of 10k a month in order to live comfortably. Retirement saving is factor into this account.

Its a battle between money and options! Thx for hearing my "bitches"!

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