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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Facebook marketing function

Had been on Facebook for a while. Finds that its the first online interactive social networking site. You can practically send people online gifts, wrote graffiti, punch, turn someone into vampire.... of cos virtually! Founder Mark Zuckerberg , launches Facebook in 4 Feb 2004. Started out as a site for the Harvard College, eventually the membership spread to a whoopee 34 millions; the largest college-focus site as of July 2007.

One very interesting thing I find about Facebook is how interactive functions can lead to people clicking the advertising link. Conventional sites like MySpace and Friendster simple posted the links and ad banners hoping someone would click. Well, Facebook uses another approach. For instance, if you wanna buy a drink, a gift for someone virtually, u need to have credit. The only way to get credits is just to click the link and go thru the advertiser's request. Well, the amazing thing is user like me just want to do it. Probably, down the road, user will find it a hassle. But as of now, its still attractive.

Thats more to facebook than we can think of. Read all abt it ! Link

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